Friday, March 30, 2007

Spring quarter

Today is the first Friday of Spring Quarter and honestly, it could not be any more beautiful. I am currently inside, looking out, (how deep) but enjoying every second of the bright, natural light. In an hour, John and I are going to our very first orientation for our summer trip to Lecce. bizaree.'s actually happening. As strange as it sounds, I never thought we would actually be going. It's probably going to be even more strange when I'm zipping up my luggage and walking out the door to the airport. But for now, this is all very surreal. In general, this quarter seems like it's going to be pretty spectacular. I'm only taking ten hours of classes but I'm also taking an internship down at the Columbus Literacy Council, which takes up another six hours of my week.
The internship is turning out to be really remarkable. And also rewarding. I'm participating in the ESOL (English as a Second Language) program and also help with administrative testing. Currently, I help tutor in a class for refugee women from Somalia and Ethiopia. That in itself is really remarkable. I feel extremely unaware with these women. When first coming to the class I was completley ignorant of the refugee issue in Columbus. I also had no idea that one of the top languages spoken in Columbus is Somali. I feel like I'm a stranger in my own city all of a sudden. This weekend I hope to do a ltitle research on the issues surronding the refugees to help better understand their situations.
The women are incredible though. Already without knowing them personally, they all seem extremely strong and extremely bright. They all have great senses of humor, which to me is imperative. They're all able to laugh and smile if they make a mistake and willing to help each other if needed. It's just a huge eye opener to have never known that in my own city this was happening. This will definently be an experience to remember.
John and I leave in less than three months. ::huge sigh::.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


It's 1:20 am.
and I have a big quiz at 830 in the morning.
but instead of sleeping next to my already sleeping boyfriend
I'm sitting here
and typing this
and feeling guilty for not doing the aformentioned studying.

I'm also burning hot
and have a head ache from working out too hard

I have so much to do this week.



wednesdayitalianpresentationworkstudyingforwomen'sstudiesexamworkmeetingandpresentation to them...hooray



le sigh. I'm sorry if you actually read that. I really just needed to type that out for my own brain to stop freaking out.

so basically. I"m holding on to survive this week, swinging through next week, then holding my breath til i leave for Italy.
