This is my favorite find in recent memory. This completely recyclable and recycled magazine touches on everything up in coming in the Eco-friendly and Green world. The magazine goes so far as to rate the green products they feature with their "shades of green scale." One leaf up to three leaves helps the reader and consumer know exactly how valid their green purchase is. They also feature ideas on how to recycle found materials into trendy styles, such as old watch faces on bobby pins and scrabble pieces for earrings.
One of my favorite features of this issue is the article about www.Beadforlife.org. Finding fashion based organizations that are out to make a difference is always refreshing. This mother and daughter team created Bead For Life with a passion to provide funding and education to three hundred of it's members. By hosting "bead parties," the money then goes to help women in places like Uganda. Beads themselves are made from recycled material, such as paper. You can also buy the products at the website, www.BeadforLife.org.
The magazine continues on to list multiple Eco-friendly clothing stores around the country and highlights Green styling products and makeup ideas. The magazine wraps up with a feature on charities around the country who are making a difference, complete with simple ideas that the reader can do to help the cause with changes in their daily life.
Lastly, the magazine proposes a challenge to readers on how to "Make the Change." They list eight simple things to do to promote generosity and spread good will to the people around them. Things like buying coffee for the person in line behind you or baking a cake for a neighbor made the list.
For more on Boho, visit bohomag.com or their blog bohomag.blogspot.com